4th Volume. 4th Season. Once again TDR diligently and delicately delivers well seasoned soul stirring flavours, nurturing niceness and warmth from the heart.
“If You Know Me” you will understand exactly why Colonel Red addresses matters of the heart, so well, alongside TDR's incredible afrobeat band AfriCali, Keith Campbell and Sool bringing their own innovative individual light and warmth, so it’s a must that we once again embrace on the album with open arms for a Positive Flow.
Your feelings will come to surface as An Elector and Miki Round uniquely steer you into the right direction. Reggie B understands the regal needs only fit for a Pharaoh. Orfeo's emotions shared are expressively second to none, with Vindahl carefully asking all the right questions, moving the compilation into the creative hands of LyricL and Ray Estaire... with “Reason”.
D-Ryde expresses and confesses to “Luvn You”, then there’s an amazing turnaround by Ruth Koleva and yes you’re falling, but, Agnes Gosling catches you, captures your heart strings with beautiful “Bianca” as your Personal Life and dreams gently come true whilst listening to Eneek's “Pillow Talk”.